
Setting up SSH daemon on a Linux System (one time setup)

  1. Edit the sshd config file. For example on Ubuntu:
    sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    Add, uncomment or edit the following lines
    GatewayPorts yes
    ClientAliveCountMax 4
    ClientAliveInterval 12
  2. Restart the ssh daemon. For example on Ubuntu:
    sudo service ssh restart
  3. If your Linux system is behind a Firewall, you will need to setup your Firewall to forward TCP port 22 and a range of TCP ports for the SSH tunnels to the Linux system's IP Address.

Setup authorized_keys file

  1. Point your browser to the QVidium unit's Management->Get RSA Key web page.
  2. Save the file to the /tmp directory on the Linux system.
  3. From a command prompt on the Linux system, enter the following.
    mkdir ~/.ssh
    chmod 700 ~/.ssh
    cat /tmp/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    If the ~/.ssh already exists, ignore the error message when running the mkdir command. The mkdir and chmod commands only need to be done once. When adding future QVidium units you only enter the cat conmmand.

Setup QVidium Unit

  1. Point your browser to the QVidium unit's Management->SSH Tunnel web page.
  2. Set the following fields.
    • Server IP address to the Linux system's IP Address or its router's WAN IP Address.
    • Remote Port to an unused TCP port on the Linux system.
    • Username to your username that you use on the Linux system.
    • Local Port to 80.
    • SSH Tunnel to Enable.
  3. Press the Apply button.

Access the QVidium Unit

  1. Point your browser to the Linux system's IP Address and remote port used in the Setup QVidium Unit section.
    For example if you entered and 9001 as the IP Address and remote port, enter in your browser.